Myobrace, Canada, Airway, Myofunctional Orthodontics.

Myobrace Appliances

(888) 891-6489
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The Myobrace®System is preventive pre-orthodontic treatment that focuses on addressing the underlying causes of crooked teeth, often without the need for braces or extraction of teeth, unlocking natural growth and development. Treatment is best suited to children aged 3 to 15 and involves using a series of removable intra-oral appliances that are worn for 1-2 hours each day plus overnight while sleeping.

What Myobrace® treatment does:

  • Corrects poor oral habits

  • Develops & aligns the jaws

  • Straightens the teeth

  • Optimises facial development

  • Improves overall health

  • Promotes healthy eating habits

How does it do this? By helping the child:

  • Breathe through the nose

  • Correct tongue resting position

  • Swallow correctly

  • Keep the lips together


Variations of the Myobrace®

Available for a variety of patients' age groups and treatment needs
giving practitioners greater treatment options for a wider variety of patients.


Myobrace for Juniors™
A three-stage appliance system designed specifically to correct poor oral habits while treating upper and lower jaw development problems. The Myobrace for Juniors™ is most effective in the primary dentition from as early as three years of age.
Available in pink and blue.


The J1 provides habit correction and is made of flexible silicone to readily adapt to any arch-form and malocclusion. It features anterior and posterior air springs that improve muscle function for children in the primary dentition. It is a single-size appliance available in pink and blue.


The J2 provides arch development as well as habit correction and is made of medium-hardness material which assists in widening and developing the jaws. The J2 is a single-size appliance available in pink and blue.


The J3 provides continued jaw development and occlusal correction. Its firm polyurethane construction provides excellent tooth alignment and the wider tongue tag finalises tongue position. The J3 is a single-size appliance available in pink and blue.


Myobrace for Kids™
A three-stage appliance system designed specifically to correct poor oral habits while treating upper and lower jaw development problems. Myobrace for Kids™ is most effective after a child’s permanent front teeth have come through and before all the permanent teeth have erupted and is available in three sizes.


The K1 provides habit correction and is made of flexible silicone to adapt to any arch-form and poorly-aligned teeth. Its flexible nature also means that it offers improved retention for night-time use. Myobrace for Kids™ is most effective when a child’s permanent teeth are coming through (ages 5 to 10) and is available in three sizes and comes in pink, blue and clear.


The K2 provides arch development in addition to habit correction. It features Dynamicore™ with a Frankel Cage which assists in developing the arch form and improving the dental alignment. The K2 is available in three sizes and comes in pink, blue and clear.


The K3 provides final alignment and retention. Its firm polyurethane construction provides excellent tooth alignment and retention. The hollow tongue tag encourages final tongue position. The K3 is available in three sizes and comes in pink and blue.


Myobrace for Teens™
A four-stage appliance system designed for habit correction, arch development and tooth alignment. Myobrace for Teens™ is most effective when the permanent teeth have come through and is designed to guide the erupting teeth into their natural position.


The T1 provides habit correction and initial dental alignment.
It is made of soft and
flexible material to adapt to a wide range of arch forms and poorly aligned teeth. The soft material allows for better retention and comfort in the initial stages of treatment.


The T2 provides arch
development and continued habit
correction. It features Dynamicore™ to assist in developing the arch-form
which provides more space for the erupting dentition. The T2 is a single-size appliance.


The T3 provides individual tooth alignment in addition to further
arch development and habit correction. It features Dynamicore™
to assist in developing the arch-form
which provides more space for the erupting dentition.
The tooth slots separate and align the anterior teeth. The T3 is available in seven sizes.


The T4 provides final
alignment of the teeth
and jaws. Its firm polyurethane construction also provides excellent retention. The hollow tongue tag encourages final tongue position.
The T4 is available in regular and large.


Myobrace for Adults™
A three-stage appliance system suitable for the permanent dentition. The Myobrace for Adults™ appliance series
incorporates many of MRC’s proven appliance design principles, including features that correct poor oral habits, while applying light forces to align the teeth.


The A1 provides habit correction
and initial dental alignment. It is
made of soft and flexible material
to adapt to a wide range of arch
forms and poorly aligned teeth.
The soft material allows for better
retention and comfort in the initial
stages of treatment. The A1 is
available in regular and large.


The A2 provides arch development as well as habit correction and dental alignment. It is made of medium-hardness polyurethane and provides arch development and puts small force on the teeth for improved dental alignment.
It is available in regular and large.


The A3 provides final alignment and retention. Its firm polyurethane construction provides excellent tooth alignment and retention. The hollow tongue tag finalises tongue position and improves habit correction. The A3 is
available in regular and large.


Myobrace Interceptive Class III™
A three-stage appliance system designed specifically to correct poor oral habits while limiting the excessive lower jaw development problems commonly associated with patients who have class III malocclusion. The Myobrace Interceptive Class III™ is most effective before a child’s permanent teeth are coming through (ages 5 to 8) and is available in three sizes.


The i-3N provides habit correction.
It is made of flexible silicone to
adapt to any arch-form and
poorly-aligned teeth. Its flexible
nature also means that it offers
improved retention for night-time use. The i-3N is available in three sizes, in yellow or clear.


The i-3 provides arch development in addition to habit correction. It features Dynamicore™ with a Frankel Cage which assists in developing the arch form and improving the dental alignment.
The i-3® is available in three sizes,
in yellow or clear.


The i-3H provides final alignment and retention. Its firm polyurethane construction provides excellent tooth alignment and retention. The hollow tongue tag encourages final tongue position. The i-3H is available in three sizes.


Class III malocclusion, in particular, is best treated very early (3-8 years) with the Myobrace Interceptive Class III™.
However, often the opportunity for early treatment is missed and the Class III malocclusion persists into the permanent dentition.

The P-3® works by repositioning the upper front teeth forwards and the lower front teeth backwards, which assists to correct the crossbite*. The P-3® also helps to correct the tongue position, further improving the upper jaw shape and tooth position.


Myobrace for Braces™
A three-stage appliance system specifically designed to be compatible with braces while correcting poor oral habits, improving upper and lower jaw developmental problems and assisting fixed appliances to align permanent teeth. These appliances correct poor myofunctional habits, which can cause crooked teeth, while providing light forces to assist in expanding the upper jaw and help braces align teeth into the correct position. The combination of habit correction, jaw alignment and arch expansion provided by the Myobrace for Brace™ series can reduce orthodontic treatment time and improve stability.


The B1 is designed for use in conjunction with fixed braces to improve their effectiveness. The B1 is used when braces are fitted and assists with correction of poor oral habits known to contribute to
orthodontic problems.

The B2 is designed for use in conjunction with fixed braces to improve their effectiveness. The B2 features Dynamicore™ which assists to develop the jaws and creates more space for
the teeth to fit naturally.

The B3 is designed for use in conjunction with upper and lower aligners as well as retainers to improve their effectiveness. The B3 fits over aligners to assist in correcting poor myofunctional habits and lower jaw alignment.


The Farrell Bent Wire System™ (BWS™)
A light-wire appliance developed in response to the need for additional arch development in combination with MRC's appliances. The BWS™ is particularly effective in gaining anterior arch expansion when used in conjunction with MRC's popular Trainer and Myobrace Systems.

Some patients require increased arch development combined with the myofunctional training that MRC’s appliances offer. This is because poor oral habits have led to insufficient space in the roof of the mouth for the tongue to sit, causing an underdeveloped upper arch.

The BWS™ is best suited for patients 8 - 15+ years of age who require arch expansion in combination with their MRC appliance.


The Myolay System™ involves building up of the 4 lower deciduous molars by 2-4 mm with composite
to assist in arch development, Class II and Class III correction as well as cross-bite correction.

Myolay™ can be used for Class II correction by applying inclined planes to encourage forward positioning of the mandible. This also prevents the mandible being locked into the habitual occlusion.

Myolay™ can be used for Class III correction by applying inclined planes to encourage backward positioning of the mandible. This also prevents the mandible from being locked into the habitual Class III occlusion. In addition, Myolay™ is helpful in reducing the incisal edges of the deciduous canines.

Myolay™ can be placed on the deciduous or permanent molars with inclined planes to use occlusal forces to push the upper maxillary posterior teeth outwards, and the lower posterior teeth inwards. This can also correct a midline shift of the mandible.

Myolay™ must be used in conjunction with the Myobrace system to maximize effectiveness.